With this in mind, we now have to examine how other people are doing this. And I have watched these same people go from belief to belief. I think if I understand your position of trust you mean to say the Jewish Calendar that predetermines the Moedim and new moons etc? What a powerful and thorough rebuttal and summary. Now this whole topic revolves around Are the teaching of 119 ministers true to Gods word or not? I will start my debate by stating, I believed every teaching of 119 ministers to are accurate and meant for the purpose of bringing true followers of Jesus closer in their relationship with God. Many will be offended as there was in the days Jesus was on earth in the flesh. Lisa, I know it is absolutely horrifying to have your familys core Faith beliefs shaken off your foundation, I was there not 6 months ago. Are you speaking life with yours? For example, before my family and I started to observe the sabbath there were some who said if we did not observe sabbath we were going to hell (with no scriptural support). I, too, follow Yehoshua, and He is my Lord and Savior. when Paul tells us we are no longer under the law, he is talking about the law of sin and death, which Christ fulfilled with His blood sacrifice. He also never once said that he had stopped being a Pharisee or Rabbi, hence the title Rav in front of his name. Do yourselves a favor and stop being lazy believers, wanting everything handed to you on a silver platter. to fill to the full You sound arrogant and demeaning all at the same time in your above speech and I take issue with it. This message of anti semitism, name calling of people that choose to follow Gods commandments as cult members is childish at best. There was a whole faring community of just under 1000 people who lived that reality. I will pray for you, Leah, that the God of my ancestors removes the scales from your eyes allowing you to see the truth. He needs truth. So you found one dude you follow and who recommended to me. Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). What does YHVH mean in Joel 2:28, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh ? Is 119 Ministries a "Cult"? Yeshayahu (Isaiah) was right when he prophesied about you, Ahhh, see that.. read further down when your reading your bible. (another incorrect interpretation there in most Bibles with kamlos (camel) being a MISPRINT of kamilos, meaning rope or cable. 119 Ministries teaches on page 1: Jealous because you accuse people like me of Judaizing the body of the Messiah for stating the exact same thing that Yeshua himself stated in Matthew 5:17-20. It is a blueprint for moral living! Are political parties CULTS in your view? [g] 29 Think how much worse will be the punishment deserved by someone who has trampled underfoot the Son of God; who has treated as something common the blood of the covenant[h] which made him holy; and who has insulted the Spirit, giver of Gods grace! So there are many more examples but you get the point that Gods law/torah/instruction has been present from the beginning to the end of time & continues into eternity. what exactly was that Covenant? Who was the first covenant given to? to fall short, fail, fall out, turn out, result When we search the scriptures we see evidence of Gods law prior to mount Sinai for example the offering to God by Cain & Able (Able gave a lamb the Passover lamb), the sin of adultery, etc. Matt. These command are not brand-new: You shall love the Lord your God (Deut 6:4) along with You shall love your neighbour as yourself (Lev 19:18). Turn in your bible to Genesis 26:4-5 and note that God is speaking in this passage, And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.. The enemy doesnt confront directly but subtly. Woman more than anything are looking for a strong spiritual . One of the most misunderstood ideas about the Hebrew Roots movement is the lack of love. And they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. the Torah was given at Sinai, it was given so it could be written down. the tenant given to buffet our flesh until the Seed came)? The point really of 119 ministries is Test Everything. But this New Covenant will be different because this one will be written on their hearts and mind. I think most of the issue people have with them is that they are challenging you to walk away from the spoon fed teachings your pastor gives you, and to break out a concordance to do some digging and studying on your own. I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not knelt down to Baal.[d] 5 Its the same way in the present age: there is a remnant, chosen by grace. He NEVER teaches husbands to submit to their wives, though he is clear, love your wife as Messiah loved the ekklesia. Paul, further, teaches that elders and ekklesia leaders are to be men (husbands) and that women are not to teach or even speak in the assembly. I studied and later on I came across 119 ministries. Because the names of the months also have Babylonian names quotes not mean the Moedim are incorrect. Several years ago, Pastor Brad Scott, of the Wild Branch Ministries, caught my attention with his refreshing take on this ever brewing controversy. All of Judaism and Christendom are historically patriarchal. not the mediator that was vanishing away (the priesthood as in the mortal High Priest). He accomplished the torah under the Mosaic covenant. Now dont go saying theyre getting lies now because even the leading theologian/apologist Daniel Lane Craig can explain how theres no pre-trib rapture in the Bible (I used to be a pre-tribber but no longer since the tares are taken **before** the wheat, etc.) We see in scripture that emotion or perception can often be misleading. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. MIND!! Who is Israel? Jesus LOVES you VERY VERY much for God so loved the world .. Leah is right analysis, They destroy, Not build, like Jesus said Several scriptures what the Kingdom is like. The bulk of your reply was an ad hominem attack on me. While these people are touched by the spirit and moved on their hearts to believe is the most important step. Rather, much to the contrary! But please dont let that deter you! Ive probably read 5 or less articles, not books, in looking to argue the truth in the things Ive written on this site. I encourage everyone to find a Messianic Jewish congregation and celebrate the Feasts of the Lord with them, to understand the Jewishness of the gospels. The blood of goats and calves was a symbolic picture of the blood bought, prophesied and glorious New Covenant of grace we are born again into!!!!! His commandments which is strongs H6680 mitsvah meaning the instruction of how we love God & man. I thought to myself, Why would our Creator allow for us to keep all the other commands, but do away with one? Why appoint times for special feasts to be held that were meant to be everlasting only to do away with them later? Why do people feel that the commands of God are considered burdensome or to be in bondage? If we were given Ten Commandments and are taught about them from early on, why do we teach later that we still have Ten Commandments, but only live by nine? I was so good to come across your blog. because the law brings about wrath; for where there is no law there is no transgression.. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. Those that condemn Hebrew Roots are yall as concerned about the Emergent church that is incorporating pagan and occultic practices (labyrinths, etc) into their worship of God (who said to never use pagan ways to worship Him) as you are about people trying to please God by sticking to Scripture only? in your attempt to fit me into a nice box in your mind. Again, thank you for your thoughtful & kind reply. He will raise us up on the Last Day (the last day of history.. and theres no other meaning). If you blink, youll miss the slight of hand. Messiah lived in complete obedience to the Law of Moses. Christians forget that in the book of Acts they were JEWS who were believers in the Messiah that received the Holy Spirit, not Christians! Depending on who you ask which cult do you profess? and the Word was with God, Making reference to himself Yeshua said that Gods word is truth. In answering your pointed question of lost people in other parts of the world how much time should I spend teaching them Hebrew? I would say zero, you should teach them about the one true God and how he loves them and how we transgress his ways. This is the people to whom Paul wrote. All Christians are actually Catholics without even knowing it. Torah was passed on orally. Its quite interesting that were brought in pre-law, by a promise. Father YAH laws are perfect and I try to obey them out of love but NOT out of demand. WHEN has fulfilled ever been a synonym for abolished? Whereas those who see the Scriptures the way the Sovereign God of Israel meant them to be seen (through ancient Hebrew eyes) are drinking pristine water from a mountain spring, uncontaminated by the false doctrines of men: I also think that many modern-day Christians would be surprised by the fact that Gentile Christians in the 1st century attended worship services in their local synagogues, especially if the rabbis read from the Greek translation of the Tanakh (Septuagint). Cant wait for Passover now. In other cases we see where God personally instructed individuals with His own voice. I believe Christ is risen from the dead and on the right hand of the Father so again no need to keep learning that year after year . How are you? However, let me preface my observations with the following comments. Simply put, they are daring us believers to return to the original Way and examine for themselves Yahwehs true instructions for us to simply love and obey Him while also loving others. Please read the word, understand before you spread confusion and bitterness. 23-30 or 24-31? Second, Satan loves to ask questions which cause doubt and hopefully cause quick departure from the truth. This is what happened at Sinai. Through the. I use the KJV along with any other bibles I can come across. Regrettably, many Christians, by their anti-Hebrew Roots Movement stance are guilty of much of the same as was Martin Luther. Anyways, this is one more thing God accomplished through Jesus restoration of the original bride-to-be I can detail that in another post if you choose. Matthew 25: 27-46and these shall go into everlasting punishment. I am enjoying your comments & thoughts. Please let us ALL remember we are united through trusting faith in Messiah Jesus (thanks be to YHWH for that Gift) and unity to me does not require uniformity. If you disagree, then you will need to conclude that Jesus also did what he just said was WRONG. I take that to mean that we are yoked to eternity ..to life . Yes, for sure Anna, so distinctly on par with your Understanding! I dont follow the lunar calendar. Once the building is complete, the blueprints and construction rules dont be come obsolete, but they give way to a new set of rules that govern the operating of the building. My Mom has been sucked in by this group. I interpreted that as debunking the validity of the Hebrew Calendar. You say its hypocritical for believers to condemn Christians for worshipping on Sunday. If you would like more Scriptures of defending the truth Id be happy to add more to this list. I too am a fellow runner in this race and have struggles and weaknesses like you. I just came across a video of 119 ministries. I am so blessed that you can lay it out in such a simple and understandable way.I was a very strong supporter of 119 ministry and only pray they have their eyes opened to this error soon and make it public as many are being led by these men. Former JWs who were taught that Jesus was not God Former Jews who were taught about a Messiah they couldnt even recognize as Messiah because of how Rome twisted who Jesus really was and yet Jesus was fully Jewish, fully a Rabbi and never once broke Gods laws (the Sabbath one was about breaking the Pharisees extra laws not Gods laws) so these Jewish people never knew their very own Messiah until their life was almost over so they were angry ALSO (not just HR people) but they will ALL have to have their time to **grieve** their loss of their former life and AS they let Holy Spirit work in them it will pass. I guess you need to research more you are appearing as a false prophet. 119 Ministries is continuously working on trying to minimize our costs and maximize our output to deliver teachings efficiently and as quickly as possible. Notice he did not say Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, I have come to abolish them However, that is essentially what most of the church teaches. 21 Is the Law then contrary to the promises of God? To properly discuss the Torah as the law of God, one must first define which Torah (instruction) and which covenant are being discussed. Living in Italy for nearly 30 years has taught me many hard lessons about trying to understand Italian behavior, my wifes included, through Anglo-Saxon eyes. Ive GOT IT! Sean, if you want something to think about, check out Lets Get Biblical by Tovia Singer. I pray for the author and the confusion created here. And I DO NOT observe the Tanakh in order to be saved, but because I am saved and I want to show the God of Israel how much I love him through my obedience. How about Messianic Jews ? Messiah sent us the Holy Spirit. In this Judgment you will be likewise be judged. Are you aware of the Biblical definitions of Sin Truth and Torah? They are teachers of the Hebrew Roots cult. Unless you read the transcripts along with the video, it is sometimes difficult to catch the deception. For shame! Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.. It sounds very cultic to me. And 119 Ministries is presenting false choices which limit ones path to the truth. That defines a false teacher. Does that change the truth about the gospel and the Church? Because of its use in other places in the Gospels the meaning is all those alive at that time. Ive saved a screenshot!). And I can say that since my former neighbor went to Seminary and became a pastor himself. Perhaps that is why Paul said to run the race to win? In the same note do not judge those that find liberty in obedience to the Laws of God (as they do them unto God). Since everyone is so passionate for the truth, then lets go right and dive to the WORD. If you know that he is righteous, you know that every one that does righteousness is born of him.. Christ will have preeminence in all things (Col). And therefore the Great Commission also says to follow the Torah. Also, as noted, addresses the issue of gentiles in Romans 11 that gentiles are grafted INTO Israel they are not a separate entity known as the church (and for the record, the same word is used in the Septuagint, that represents ISRAEL in the OT as was used and translated to church in the NT, therefore the church is still the commonwealth of Israel INTO WHICH GENTILES ARE WELCOME just as the mixed multitude were at Sinai along with the Hebrew people. to settle, waste away, be offered, be inferior to This is by means a deception, nor harsh. Jesus is pushing her away with these words, seeing if she will be put off by them. Being unsuccessful in that, in his later career, Luther denounced the Jewish people and urged for their harsh persecution and destruction. If you are following the patterns of the Mosaic Law, then are you are building your own set of laws much like the Pharisees did? (2Pe 3:17) You, then, beloved ones, being forewarned, watch, lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the delusion of the lawless, PLEROO. You got it right Antonio thank you. For many centuries, Christians have been wrongly taught, thanks primarily to Replacement Theology, that in order for my people to accept our Messiah, we had to become Gentiles by adopting their ways, which usually went completely contrary to what the Torah teaches. beginning. I am in agreement. I was in a Southern Baptist church for 20 years until friends shared some a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. The fruit taste delicious.!!! Check Jeremiah for that answer. Furthermore, todays Gregorian Saturday does not coincide with the original Shabbat created by YHVH according to the Hebrew lunar calendar. Anyway, sometime after they moved down here, people kept forwarding me their Bible prophecy teaching video called Daniel Unsealed and asking me what I thought about it. This new covenant has a torah as instructed by Messiah himself. Heavy Burdens. The blessings are real; they are nothing less than awesome. Test Everything. 2 Cor. That is the reason God flooded the world because of wickedness so He had to have given His law prior to mount Sinai. And in turn it can seriously hinder their biblical beliefs? 19 So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot (commandments) and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. Current Hebrew rabbis are not using the scriptural calendar for the seventh day Shabbat. Can you tell one of his teachings you disagree with and show me how its scripturally inaccurate? think about it because this is Key to the quote you gave The Covenant that was entered into was a renegotiation first the offer was to be written on the hearts of men, they refused that offer and counter offered give us a man a mediator and what ever you say to him that we will do The covenant was to be judged and condemned by a mediator of Gods law. Truth is truth and deception is the name of the game and i will be praying Leah, you seem to disagree with 119s teaching primarily for 2 reasons (from what I tell by your responses, correct me if Im wrong): 1.) When you say, Torah is a way of life. What do you mean? As clarified by many true scholars, the moral law of God (greatest two commandments) does not change, yet the law of Moses has been clarified by Christ and even corrected in Matthew 19:8 relating to a certificate of divorce. Why? Actual Messianic Jews believe that. Be careful of this spirit . Slowly & as I have time. Took with them the true Zoddok priest line. My analogy of pleroo is NOT incorrect as you claim, because I made no analogy. May Gods Holy Spirit, which lives in me, give me discernment about the truth of Gods Word and the teaching of others. *SCRIPTURALLY BASED* end time delusions. In fact, if youre not careful just like the Sanhedrin in the Book of Acts you might very well find yourselves fighting God! As far as the 119 leadership, I do not know any of them personally. Servant of the Lord, Frank. At best some think going to church is the way but their hearts are far from God. Gods power is manifested in beautiful ways as I take up my cross and follow Him in the power of The Holy Spirit. What is so wrong with going back to the beginning to search out and work out our salvation through Yeshua the Christ and Holy Spirit-empowered Scriptural insight with much fear and trembling? What he showed me was the fact that this teaching by the Christian Church is false! In Hebrews 8:13 and Hebrews 9:1 the word COVENANT was ADDED to the text. With that said we are commanded to be like a Berean to search the scriptures, test the spirits, messages & prophesies AGAINST the in context word of God. Every one of you is part of the schismatic Protestant movement! Your own hand must be the first one on him in putting him to death, and afterwards the hands of all the people. Do what is right for you and your family. Is it deception by that point? He clearly sated He did not come to abolish the law (torah). They (grace and his law A.K.A teaching/Torah) go hand in hand not two things in opposition of each other. You realize that Yahusha said he didnt come to abolish the Torah right? -Colossians 3:3-4. I listen to everything Tovia puts out including his weekly interviews, I follow him so I can hear his viewpoints. 119 Ministries App 17+ Jarred De Salvo Designed for iPad 4.0 28 Ratings Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Go Mobile with 119 Ministries! 6 But the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: Do not say in your heart, Who will ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down), 7 or Who will descend into the abyss? (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). 8 But what does it say? 3. to fulfil, i.e. Its wrong, SIN, for me to willingly participate in watching it. Is that in their power to do? Yeshua, was in submission to the Father, every step of the way. Then by following Gods commands we follow the instructions of Christ and by following the commands of Jesus we are following Gods commands which He never ever said to stop doing. Teaching strict obedience to the law of Moses according to the New Covenant of Jesus Christ is where my inner spirit becomes troubled! This cup which is poured out for you IS the new covenant IN MY BLOOD. ( Luke 22:20) Hebrews and 2 Cor. A few of the heresies of 119 Ministries. (A case in point is 119 Ministries teaching on dietary laws.) Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The fiery trials that we go through are not theological debates . Him we obey, not a list of rules. YHWH is the one true GOD, and He has not, will not change. We either take His name in truth, or we take it in vain. The difference is between using my own logic to disagree vs. using Scripture to show your faults in your biblical understanding. But to go around, as 119 & HR does saying, if you love God, you will keep his feasts and obey the Torah is simply putting on all believers something that is simply not there. 2.) HEBREWS is talking about the **PRIESTHOOD** not a Covenant. P.S.. Turn to the Bread of life Himself and He will fill you with His Holy Soirit of grace!!!! If so pastor why do you ask for tithing when in fact it is the law of the old testament.. To Him be the esteem both now and to a day that abides. Until someone provides an example of their actual false teaching and not merely a disagreement of conclusions then I will side with 119 approach to testing everything. Are you choosing to follow the law given to Moses by God for the Israelites to follow as they entered the Promised Land and became a sovereign nation unto the Lord? I can tell you, what he revealed to me rocked me to my core! The tossing of natural debased people of Pentecostal delusions are a Prevelant movement into hebrew roots movement. If you read all of Jeremiah you will see that God ONLY divorced the northern kingdom of the commonwealth of Israel not the southern kingdom from which Messiah would come. Show me. If the Architect is also the owner of the building, there are 3 stages. You must not listen to that prophet or dreamer of dreams.. In my 30s I became a Christian, thinking that it was a Greek word meaning a follower of the Messiah. I am too busy nor do I have the money for expensive shofar s and no time for festivals people here are dead eternally and overseas people are hungry both spiritually and physically. If it doesnt answer it for you maybe it will lead to studying. Peter summarizes Paul with his last recorded words: . They have concordances, so many different bibles some go far back as 1300s. Jesus predicted that he will tell many sincere believers to basically "get lost" instead of welcoming them into the Kingdom. Truth is not easy, especially when it goes against everything you ever thought to be truth. I am a myself am Messianic though labels are create schism so lets just say Im a Believer. John 14:15 says this: If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. The real question is do you want the truth or do you just want what you know because it is easier. This Torah topic is precisely why I originally asked you to visit their site. Faith without works is dead. Ill Paraphrase: the Law says xyz but I say to you XYZ and then the heart of the matter I find these gentlemen to be truly seeking all truth in the scriptures and not shying away from tough questions. Then they teach followers of Jesus (Yeshua) to obey ALL of the laws of God. Simply, the entire flow of Scripture, from Gan Eden, before the fall, until at least the end of the Millennial Kingdom is Patriarchal. The other commands, but do away with these words, seeing if she will be put by... So it could be written down men who have not knelt down to Baal wives, though he is,! So lets just say Im a Believer but this new Covenant in my BLOOD does,. Understand before you spread confusion and bitterness this race and have struggles and weaknesses like you we obey, a! Movement is the lack of love but not out of demand servants the prophets by group... 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